Architectural Bird Control Products & Specifications
Nixalite architectural bird control products have been specified longer and more often than any other bird control company in the world. Nixalite offers architects, engineers, property owners and consultants all of the information they need during development and construction. CSI 3-part product specifications for MasterFormat and CAD drawings for AutoCAD are provided within the info center. If you require more direction or have questions during your planning process please contact our
planning department.
Premium Nixalite® All Stainless Steel Bird Spikes - The #1 Specified Bird Spike
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details Premium Model S, Model H and Model W bird spikes, mounting hardware, surface cleaning systems and installation accessories.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products: Nixalite Bird Control
DWG (AutoCAD) format:
Premium Model S Nixalite Premium Model H Nixalite Premium Model W Nixalite
BIM Objects - Requires CAD software to open
Premium Model S (DXF) Premium Model S (DGN) Premium Model S (DWG) Premium Model S (RFA)
Premium Model H (DXF) Premium Model H (DGN) Premium Model H (DWG) Premium Model H (RFA)
Premium Model W (DXF) Premium Model W (DGN) Premium Model W (DWG) Premium Model W (RFA)
Premium Nixalite Bird Spikes Automated Installation Worsheet
The Automated Estimate Worksheet will provide everything you need to accurately estimate quatities and spacing for Premium Nixalite Bird Spikes
Includes a printable PDF illistration of the bird spikes and proper spacing
Nixalite® E-Spike All Stainless Steel Bird Spikes
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the E-Spike Full Row and Half Row models, optional mounting hardware, surface cleaning systems and installation accessories.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products:
E-Spike Economy Spike
DWG (AutoCAD) format:
E-Spike Economy Bird Spike Half Row Model E-Spike Economy Bird Spike Full Row Model
BIM Objects - Requires CAD software to open
E-Spike Full Row (DXF) E-Spike Full Row (DGN) E-Spike Full Row (DWG) E-Spike Full Row (RFA)
E-Spike Half Row (DXF) E-Spike Half Row (DGN) E-Spike Half Row (DWG) E-Spike Half Row (RFA)
Nixalite® Pigeon Spike Stainless Bird Spikes
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the Pigeon Spike Stainless bird spikes, optional mounting hardware, surface cleaning systems and installation accessories.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products: Pigeon Spike Stainless
Pigeon Spike Composite Bird Spikes
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the Pigeon Spike Composite, optional mounting hardware, surface cleaning systems and installation accessories.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products:
Pigeon Spike Composite
Review Nixalite's Bird Spike Comparison Table
Nixalite® K-Net HT Bird Exclusion Netting - The Strongest & Best Bird Netting on the Market
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the K-Net HT Bird Exclusion Netting and the Tensioned perimeter and support cable system.
PDF File Word Document Text File Products:
K-Net HT Bird Net
DWG (AutoCAD) format:
K-Net HT Bird Exclusion Netting & Tensioned Cable Hardware
BIM Objects - Requires CAD software to open
Bird Netting (DXF) Bird Netting (DGN) Bird Netting (DWG) Bird Netting (RFA)
Nixalite® Bird-Net Bird Exclusion Netting
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the Bird-Net Bird Exclusion Netting and the Tensioned perimeter and support cable system.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products:
Bird-Net Bird Netting
BIM Objects - Requires CAD software to open
Bird Netting (DXF) Bird Netting (DGN) Bird Netting (DWG) Bird Netting (RFA)
Nixalite® PollyNet Bird Exclusion Netting
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the Premium and Lightweight PollyNet Bird Exclusion Netting and the Poly Hardware fastening systems.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products:
PollyNet Bird Netting
BIM Objects - Requires CAD software to open
Bird Netting (DXF) Bird Netting (DGN) Bird Netting (DWG) Bird Netting (RFA)
Nixalite® EnduraNet® Small Bird & Bat Exclusion Netting
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the EnduraNet Small Bird & Bat Exclusion Netting and the Tensioned perimeter and support cable system.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products:
EnduraNet Small Bird Netting
BIM Objects - Requires CAD software to open
Bird Netting (DXF) Bird Netting (DGN) Bird Netting (DWG) Bird Netting (RFA)
Nixalite® Redbird Fire Retardant Netting
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the Firebird Fire Retardant Exclusion Netting and the Tensioned perimeter and support cable system.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products:
Fire Retardant Bird Netting
BIM Objects - Requires CAD software to open
Bird Netting (DXF) Bird Netting (DGN) Bird Netting (DWG) Bird Netting (RFA)
Bird Screen Welded Wire Mesh Barriers
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the Welded Wire Mesh applications for pest bird and nuisance animal barriers, closures and exclusion.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products:
Welded Wire Mesh Barriers
Review Nixalite's Bird Netting & Mesh Comparison Table
Bird-Zap Shock Track Electric Bird Deterrent
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the Bird-Zap Shock Track System Components, accessories and tools.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products:
Bird-Zap Shock Track
Protect your Solar Panels with the SolaTrimTM Pest Abatement Barrier.
The SolaTrim Pest Barrier is an all-weather, long lasting Pest and Debris abatement system designed to
prevent Pigeons and Rodents from nesting under or damaging residential solar system arrays.
SolaTrim Master Format Three Part Specification (PDF) SolaTrim CAD Detail (PDF)
Nixalite® Vent and Chimney Wire Mesh Guards and Barriers
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the Wall Vent Guards, Roof Vent Guards and Chimney Guards and Barriers.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products:
Nixalite Vent & Chimney Guards
Nixalite® FliteLine® Post & Wire Bird Deterrent
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the FliteLine Post & Cable Systems, the surface cleaning systems and the most common fastening system.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products:
FliteLine Deterrent
FliteLine CAD Drawing
BIM Objects - Requires CAD software to open
FliteLine Post & Wire (DXF) FliteLine Post & Wire (DGN) FliteLine Post & Wire (DWG) FliteLine Post & Wire (RFA)
Nixalite® Deer Blocker Deer Fence Barrier Systems
Written CSI three part, long format written specifications:
Details the Deer Blocker Deer Fence deer fencing system.
PDF file Word Document Text File Products:
Deer Blocker Deer Fence
DWG (AutoCAD) format:
Deer Blocker Deer Fencing & Fastening
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