Customer Showcase
Nixalite bird and animal controls products have been installed all over the world, on thousands of different surfaces, to control the widest variety of pest birds and nuisance animals. The Customer Installation Showcase provides Case Histories, Installation Photos and more. The featured installations below categorize examples by products (Nixalite, Bird Netting, FliteLine, etc.).
We would like to see images of your installation, if you would like to be included in our showcase please submit your photos.
Nixalite Installations
Premium Nixalite Barriers Spikes have been effectively installed all over the world since 1950. Our Bird Spikes meet all budgets, infestation levels and bird types. |
Bird Netting Installations
Nixalite's bird netting has been installed for bird exclusion on a wide variety of projects. Bird netting systems efficiently and economically exclude pest birds from all types of objects, openings and structures. |
FliteLine Post Installations
Nixalite's FliteLine Post and Wire Bird Deterrent has been installed to keep large birds off of a wide variety of objects and surfaces. |
Nixalite Project Case Histories
Nixalite has a variety of Case Histories that tell the complete story about a project and the people who install them. |
Customer Testimonials
Here are a few of our satisfied customers and how Nixalite products worked for them. |
Customer Photographs
Here is just a few of the installation images we receive from our customers. We would like to see images of your installation, if you would like to be included in our showcase please submit your photos. |