Press Releases
The latest products and news from Nixalite of America Inc
New Product Announcment - Wildlife Propane Cannon Press Release Webpage
Release Date: 09/14/16

To discourage birds and wildlife from large areas, Nixalite of America now offers Wildlife Propane Canons.
Designed specifically to meet the needs of agriculture, oil and gas, mining, aviation and waste management.
These NEW cannons can deter wildlife effectivlely in even the harshest of climates.
New Spring Product Announcments - Garden Netting, Protective Pond Netting, Alligator Guards, Deer Blocker Fencing, Avian Control Bird Repellent, Scare Away Bird Reflector
Read the Press Release
Release Date: 03/30/16
Spring is the time for spending more time outdoors, enjoying the warm weather, and above all else, more
pests and rodents. Nixalite of America Inc. is offering new products to help you and your family stay
pest-free this spring so that you can enjoy the outdoors!
Press Release - Tips on Spring Pest Control - Read the tips here
Release date: 03/23/16
As warmer weather approaches, you'll notice more pests in and around your home or office.
This is why it is important to prepare your home or office against these pests as soon as you can.
Press Release - The Zika Virus: What You Should Know - Read more about the Zika Virus
Release Date: 02/23/16
As the Zika Virus continues to spread around the world, more people are growing anxious
at the possibility of contracting it. It is important to learn about the virus and how to avoid it.
New Product Announcment -
SolaTrim Press Release Product Brochure
Release Date: 02/22/16
The SolaTrim Pest Barrier is an all-weather, long lasting Pest and Debris abatement system designed to
prevent Pigeons and Rodents from nesting under or damaging residential solar system arrays.