What Is Premium Nixalite?
Premium Nixalite Bird Spike Models are all stainless steel wire and strip barriers installed to solve the toughest pest bird and climbing animal control problems. Proven effective for all bird species, in all levels of infestation, on all types of surfaces.
Aren't All Bird Spikes the Same?
NO, not all bird spikes are created equal, in fact Nixalite Premium Spikes have no equal. As the worlds first and most successful bird barrier, all other strips and spikes on the market today are copied after our original 'Porcupine Wire'. No other bird spike can match the quality, reliability and durability of Nixalite Premium Spikes.
Why Use Premium Nixalite®?
It Works!!
Proven effective since 1950, Nixalite's precision wire patterns and 120 points-per-foot protection provide complete coverage without openings or gaps that birds or climbing animals could exploit.
It Lasts A Lifetime
Nixalite's Premium models are made entirely of high grade stainless steel and will outlast and outperform plastics, lesser steels and electronic systems. Only Nixalite has installations that are over a half century old and still working perfectly.
Pays For Itself
Nixalite's long lasting, low maintenance performance helps to reduce the frequency and cost of exterior deterioration and maintenance caused by pest birds and nuisance animals.
The thin, stainless steel wire construction of the Premium Nixalite is virtually invisible from the distances at which buildings are normally viewed. A ColorCoat™ option is available to help blend the strips into surrounding surface colors.
Leading bird and humane societies approve of Premium Nixalite because it causes no harm to birds or climbing animals. It works by simply preventing landing, roosting and climbing on protected surfaces.
With 3 precision engineered models, Premium Nixalite provides effective control for all types of birds on the widest variety of surface materials and shapes. All Premium models have a flexible stainless steel base strip which is made to follow curves and contours. Our standard mounting hardware (included with all Premium Nixalite orders) allows for easy strip removal and reinstallation.
Environmentally Safe
Premium Nixalite does not use chemicals, sound waves, scare tactics or electric shock. It does not require electrical power to work, will not release harmful fumes when installed, and will not stain the surface on which it is installed.
Easy To Install
Premium Nixalite comes ready to install with complete instructions. No assembly or special tools are required. You don't have to be 'certified' or need to pay to go to 'bird control school' to install Premium Nixalite successfully. If you can read and follow simple instructions, you can install Premium Nixalite effectively.
Based on more than 150 years of combined real world experience, Nixalite's customer services provide user friendly and practical information that apply to your installation. From simple quotes and estimate worksheets to computer generated installation drawings, Nixalite offers the services that other bird control companies can't or won't. |